Our Woodhull Family Branch joins the Strong Family (related through marriage, not of our “blood-lineage”). Note: “TWIGS” (of the Woodhull Family Branch) are Uncles or Aunts, and Cousins.
9th GGF Richard Woodhull I b. 1620, from England to America
8th GGF Richard Woodhull II b. 1649
8th grt-Uncle (TWIG) Nathaniel Woodhull b. 1693;
1st cousin 8x removed (TWIG), General Nathaniel Woodhull b. 1722; was captured by the British; badly wounded, his arm was amputated in an effort to save his life…
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Home of Nathaniel Woodhull, Mastic, New York |
The best information I (Jody Gray) have found for Brig. General Nathaniel Woodhull and his participation in the Revolutionary War.
http://history.pmlib.org/sites/default/files/1775-1783-BrooTwn@350-pt09_.pdf Brownhaven Town, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY. Part IX: Revolutionary Brookhaven (1775-1783)
By Order of the New York Provincial Convention.
8/24/1776. Ordered, that Brig. Gen. Woodhull, or in his absence Lieut. Col. [Gilbert] Potter, march without delay, one half the Western Regiment of Suffolk Co, with 5 days provision, into the western parts of Queens Co; that the officers of Queens order out their whole Militia, with their Troop of Horse, and use all possible diligence to prevent the stock and other provisions, falling into the hands of the enemy, by removing or killing them.
8/25/1776. In anticipation of a victory by the enemy, a Committee, consisting of the Deputies from Suffolk an Queens, brought in a report, which was adopted, ordering all the stock to the east end of Hempstead Plain, and placing Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull in charge.
8/26/1776. Ordered, that Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull take possession at any point on the Island where he can best prevent depredations by the enemy; and that he call out the whole of the Militia, if necessary, to protect the inhabitants in removing… Lt. Col. Gilbert Potter, informed that the enemy had landed between Old Mans [Mt. Sinai] and Wading River, and were shooting cattle. Col. Potter expected the enemy to be in Huntington before morning; and he asked for help.
8/27/1776. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull reported that he had driven all the cattle to the Eastward of the boundary between Kings and Queens; and that the enemy camp was but six miles from him.
8/28/1776. Col. Josiah Smith and Col. Jeromus Remsen ordered to join Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull; and Gen. Woodhull ordered to destroy all stock and grain in Queens and Western Suffolk that could not be removed to a place of safety.
[Note: Gen. Woodhull never received these orders. Smith’s and Remsen’s orders seem to have been superseded by those of the Continental Army.]
Battle of Long Island (or Brooklyn) 1st Major Battle of the New Republic, 8/27/1776.
8/29/1776. Resolved, that it be recommended to the inhabitants of Long Island to remove as many of their women, children and slaves, and as much of their livestock and grain, to the main[land], as they can; and that this Convention will pay the expense of removing the same.
9/3/1776. A letter was received from Gen. Washington stating that he could not spare troops to protect cattle on Long Island. It having been represented that the soldiers belonging to the regiments of Col. Smith and Col. Remsen had disbanded, it was recommended to the Committees of Westchester, Horseneck [Greenwich], Stamford and Norwalk to watch all boats crossing to Long Island and to allow no armed soldier, belonging to any Regiment in the service of the State, to pass over the island.
Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull, 1722-1776. A Leader in New York’s Succession from Empire, Pt.1. From New York State Assembly President to Brig. General.
Nathaniel Woodhull, scion of St. George’s Manor, Mastic, elected a military career. As a major in 1758, in the French and Indian War, he served in Abercrombie’s Ft. Ticonderoga-Crown Point campaign (along New York’s “historic invasion corridor”) and in Bradstreet’s Ft. Frontenac (Kingston, Ont., Canada) campaign. As Colonel, 3d N.Y. Provincial Infantry Regiment, he participated in Amherst’s Invasion of Canada. He married Ruth Floyd, becoming William Floyd’s brother-in-law, in 1761. Later, he was elected to the New-York Provincial Assembly, 1769- 1775, for his objections to Crown & Parliamentary interference in Provincial affairs. He was a Suffolk County representative to the convention that selected delegates to the First Continental Congress and was elected to the New York Provincial Congress, which (May 1775) assumed (or usurped) government control of the colony. Woodhull was assigned command of the Suffolk and Queens colonial militias (inheriting the contest with the Loyalist counter-militia in Queens), and in October 1775, Woodhull was given the rank of Brigadier General.
Brig. Gen, Nathaniel Woodhull, Cowboy General? A Leader in New York’s Succession from the Empire, Pt.2. Gen. Woodhull’s Cattle Drive, Battle of Long Island, and Jamaica.
He was elected to the first New-York State Assembly, becoming its 1st President. Cowboy General?: In August 1776, with the British landing on L.I., and a major battle obviously looming in Western Long Island, Gen. Woodhull, then on leave from the Assembly at his Mastic estate, was ordered to take his Suffolk troops (under 100 men) to Jamaica, gather and drive a large herd of cattle (& remove other supplies) from the clutches of the Howe’s Army, into Eastern L.I. It was unfortunate for him that Greene’s order hadn’t been given earlier, for while his cattle drive was temporarily successful, amid the Battle of Long Island (August 27, 1776), he returned to his former headquarters at Jamaica, requesting further orders on August 28th, which were not answered. As the Jamaica Pass had earlier been used by the main British striking force, he was effectively cut off, and was compelled to surrender to a detachment of British dragoons. Legends: One local legend has it that he was wounded with his own sword, in the act of surrender to his captor. Another that he was saved from Simcoe’s troops by DeLancey, after having said “God save us all” on being commanded to say, “God save the king”.
Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull, Cowboy General? A Leader in New York’s Succession from the Empire, Pt.3. Capture and Death.
Another account maintains that he fought, prior to surrendering. In any event, the one consistent agreement is that he was severely wounded, compounded by subsequent ill-treatment, eventually resulting in his death. From the perspective of official Britain, here was an example plainly made of the price and foolishness of rebellion, the rebel’s just reward. To Americans, he became an early model of sacrifice for liberty, and as martyr to the cause of freedom and American Independence. He was buried on his estate in Mastic. Source: “Woodhull, Nathaniel (Dec. 30, 1722-Sept. 20, 1776)”, In Dictionary of American Biography, v. 20, Werden – Zunser. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943: 492-93.
Other Accounts and Resources: https://archive.org/stream/LIF_27_1_1964_/LIF_27_7_1964_djvu.txt Full Text of “Long Island Forum, Vol. 27”
ON AUGUST 28, 1776, the day after the Battle of Long
Island, Sir William Erskine occupied the village of Jamaica with the 71st Highlanders and the 17th Light Dragoons. By nightfall, the first prisoners taken by the British cavalrymen began to arrive at
the Widow Cebra's tavern, where Erskine made his headquarters. Among them was the badly wounded General Nathaniel Woodhull.
Woodhull had retired across Queens County from his advanced position on the Polhemus farm in modern Woodhaven to Carpenter's tavern in present-day Hollis. All but a handful of his command melted away in the course of the retreat. The General was waiting at the inn for the arrival of Cornelius Van Wyck of Little Neck, with word of possible reinforcements.
Island, Sir William Erskine occupied the village of Jamaica with the 71st Highlanders and the 17th Light Dragoons. By nightfall, the first prisoners taken by the British cavalrymen began to arrive at
the Widow Cebra's tavern, where Erskine made his headquarters. Among them was the badly wounded General Nathaniel Woodhull.
Woodhull had retired across Queens County from his advanced position on the Polhemus farm in modern Woodhaven to Carpenter's tavern in present-day Hollis. All but a handful of his command melted away in the course of the retreat. The General was waiting at the inn for the arrival of Cornelius Van Wyck of Little Neck, with word of possible reinforcements.
Cornelius Van Wyck, a delegate from the town of Flushing to the Provincial Congress, had been negotiating for the transfer of Remsen's Queens County militia from the battlefield in Brooklyn, by boat, to Flushing, whence they would march to join Woodhull. On the afternoon of August 28th, Van Wyck was on his way to tell Woodhull that Washington needed Remsen's men with him.
http://forgotten-ny.com/2013/03/state-historical-markers-in-new-york-city-part-2/ State historical markers in New York City
Marker: Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull (1722-1776) was captured and fatally wounded by the British in Increase Carpenter’s House 200 feet north of this spot…
General Nathaniel Woodhull (1722-1776) was a leader of the New York Provincial Congressand a brigadier-general of the New York Militia during the American Revolution. He was born on December 30, 1722 in Mastic, Long Island, Province of New York, the son of Nathaniel Woodhull and Sarah Smith. His family had been prominent in New York affairs since the mid seventeenth century.
In October 1775 he was made brigadier general of the Suffolk and Queen’s County militia. In 1776 took part in the Battle of Long Island. Leading up to the battle, his militia began removing livestock and matériel to prevent its use by the British. The Battle of Long Island resulted in his being cut off and he retired to Jamaica. Relief was not forthcoming, and his situation deteriorated.
Woodhull was captured near Jamaica by a detachment of Fraser’s Highlanders led by captain Sir James Baird. He was struck with a sword multiple times, injuring his arm and head by a British officer purportedly for not saying, “God save the King,” as ordered, saying instead “God save us all.” He was taken to a cattle transport, serving as a prison ship in Gravesend Bay. A sympathetic British officer had him transferred to the century old house built by Nicasius di Sille in the Dutch village of New Utrecht which is now a part of Brooklyn. The house was demolished in 1850 by the owner Baret Wyckoff. It was located in the current vicinity of 84st. and New Utrecht Ave. His arm was amputated in an effort to save his life, he managed to call for his wife who was at his side when he died on September 20, 1776. He was buried at his family home. condensed from wikipedia entry
Both Woodhull and Carpenter are remembered by street names in this section of Holliswood on the eastern end of Jamaica.
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/historians-lobby-state-signage-recognize-revolutionary-war-general-nathaniel-woodhull-article-1.443500 Historians lobby for recognition of Revolutionary War General. Memorial, at Nathaniel Woodhull School in Hollis
http://longislandgenealogy.com/Surname_Pages/woodhull.htm Long Island Genealogy. The Woodhull family of Long Island.
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=WOOD&GSfn=N&GSpartial=1&GSbyrel=all&GSst=36&GScntry=4&GSsr=201&GRid=21423702& Find A Grave: buried at Woodhull Cemetery; Mastic Beach, Suffolk, NY - Headstone and plaque… includes “the Story” -amputated arm… does not list his parents… Spouse, Ruth Floyd and daughter, Elizabeth Woodhulll (1762-1839) m: John Smith (1752-1816) m: Henry Nicoll (1756-1790)
https://www.geni.com/people/Brig-Gen-Nathaniel-Woodhull/6000000007068040703?through=6000000003688583467 Geni.com General Nathaniel Woodhull.
Other Resources:
https://books.google.com/books?id=6lQOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA287&lpg=PA287&dq=major+nathan+woodhull&source=bl&ots=bUzRfZldRy&sig=IarCs7G8WOEeqB_umWSIe3OoDps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiewpHz4sbMAhVB6GMKHcfkDLMQ6AEIKzAD#v=onepage&q=major%20nathan%20woodhull&f=false New York in the Revolution. Nathan Woodhull, Major of the First Militia, Suffolk Co, NY. b. 7/5/1722
https://books.google.com/books?id=fId2AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA1007&lpg=PA1007&dq=Captain+Selah+Strong&source=bl&ots=WZy65Btx-i&sig=zhkUJKqbBMt_rkvTczw2WG0pwmM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNpdKI1sbMAhUQxWMKHXd3A4kQ6AEISTAL#v=onepage&q=Captain%20Selah%20Strong&f=false The Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut. Pub. 1913. Capt. Selah Strong’s [7th Co.] List; includes Selah Strong 1st Sgt. and 1st Major Nathan Woodhull of Brookhaven
https://books.google.com/books?id=6lQOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA287&lpg=PA287&dq=major+nathan+woodhull&source=bl&ots=bUzRfZldRy&sig=IarCs7G8WOEeqB_umWSIe3OoDps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiewpHz4sbMAhVB6GMKHcfkDLMQ6AEIKzAD#v=onepage&q=major%20nathan%20woodhull&f=false New York in the Revolution. Nathan Woodhull, Major of the First Militia, Suffolk Co, NY. b. 7/5/1722
https://books.google.com/books?id=fId2AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA1007&lpg=PA1007&dq=Captain+Selah+Strong&source=bl&ots=WZy65Btx-i&sig=zhkUJKqbBMt_rkvTczw2WG0pwmM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNpdKI1sbMAhUQxWMKHXd3A4kQ6AEISTAL#v=onepage&q=Captain%20Selah%20Strong&f=false The Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut. Pub. 1913. Capt. Selah Strong’s [7th Co.] List; includes Selah Strong 1st Sgt. and 1st Major Nathan Woodhull of Brookhaven
Historical Resources: Revolutionary War History.
http://surface.syr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1099&context=hst_etd The British Occupation of Southern NY during the American Revolution and the Failure to Restore Civilian Government (2013). Contents: I. A Brief History of Colonial New York, 1609-1774. II. The American Revolution in New York. III. The Final Break with Britain and the Capture of Southern New York. IV. The New Strategy. V. The Failed Attempt to Restore Civilian Government in New York. VI. The Military Occupation of Southern New York. Chapt. VIII. The Waning of British Rule.
Blog Post: Descendants of John Strong b. 1610
Members of the Richard Woodhull I family intermarry with members of the John Strong family.
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